Labor 2016 Call to Action by Waylon Hedegaard, ND AFL-CIO President
Brothers and Sisters,
As November approaches and the election is just around the corner, I want to remark on the importance of taking part in the Labor 2016 political program. With a constant media focus on the national battle for the Presidency of the United States, it’s easy to fall into the idea that the election for the President is the only election that counts.
It’s not. Not even close.
Much of the legislation that affects working people on a day-to-day basis is passed in our state legislatures, from Worker’s Compensation to the state budget that affects every public employee. The truth is that the state legislatures are where the real fight for working people is waged. If we want to change anything for workers of all types, we have to elect more Labor friendly candidates to this legislature.
If we want better pay for our teachers and more resources for our students, we have to get more education friendly people at the capital. If we want better safety on the job, more focus on quality in oilfield construction and a worker’s compensation system that truly looks out for workers, we must get more Labor supporting legislators elected. In short, the only way we are going to gain more political power for working people in this state is to help our friends get elected and help our opponents find another line of work.
The way to help friendly candidates get elected is the same way Unions have helped for decades. We hit the streets, and we convince our fellow union members to vote for Labor issues. Therefore, I urge union members of all stripes to take action. Whether it’s on the job or in politics, a good union member is not one who sits back and lets their sisters and brothers do the heavy lifting. A good union member works to make life better for all working people.
Every week, we will be running election programs to support our endorsed candidates in several North Dakota cities. If Union members want better job conditions, higher salaries and an even playing field, more members need to get involved. There is no other way!
We can change everything for the better. We just have to work at it.
Don’t hesitate to call me at (701) 595 3334.
In Solidarity
Waylon Hedegaard
President/Secretary Treasurer
North Dakota AFL-CIO